Welcome to LPD!

Your child’s first dance class is a BIG deal! New activity, new teacher, new environment, new routine-as a result dancers may feel both excited and a little nervous. Some kids will take to a new routine easily, others take more time.

We’ve put together some suggestions on how to prepare for your child’s first class and what to expect when you arrive at the studio. We want to ensure that your child’s first dance experience is positive and exceeds your expectations!


How to Prepare

Read through the etiquette & dress code -every studio has a unique culture and curated set of rules. We have worked very hard to foster a creative, joyful, and generative environment for every body. You will be contributing to this culture.

You can find important dates and holiday information on our calendar page.

Purchase appropriate dance class wear and shoes. It helps to treat these items like a uniform- special clothes for a special activity! Have your dancer try on their dance outfit in advance of class to make sure everything fits.

The Dance Corner and The Dance Spectrum supply dancewear locally.

Hair is part of the uniform too! Practice pulling long hair away from the face in a ponytail or braid. Ballet students are required to wear a bun.

If possible visit the studio, either in person or online. Make note of which studio you will be using and the nearest washroom.

Talk about what is going to happen. Pump your dancer up! Talk about what they will wear. Let them know they will be taking a dance class where they are going to learn and have fun. Tell them their teacher’s name. Remind them of how important it is that they are good listeners. Talk about how proud you will be of them when they are done!

If possible arrive 5 minutes early for class. Encourage your child to use the washroom when they arrive.

It’s important to note that children learn and thrive differently. Some children do well when their parent watches class, however, it is our experience that many children find it distracting.

LPD instructors will never deny a washroom, water, or parental hug request. However, we ask that parents not interrupt class.

What to Bring

An extra layer for warmth.

A water bottle.

What to Expect

The entrance to the studio is a glass door on the right-hand side of 30 Harvey Road. Ring the bell to enter. It is expected that the last person to arrive answers the door for the next person.

Everyone must remove their shoes in the entrance.

Parents of Wee Dancers typically stay during the class.

Parents of dancers 5+ usually drop their dancer(s) at the door.

Dancers do best when well-fed and rested. There may be weeks when sleepiness, crankiness, hunger, or a change in routine, prohibit a positive class experience. That’s okay! Take your wee one home and try again next week. Some kids take to class structure right away, others take time.

Most dance seasons culminate in a professionally directed and produced recital at Holy Heart Theatre. The goal for this age group is to introduce the concept of performance and offer a positive “first show” experience.

Thank you for choosing LPD.

There are many dance schools to choose from, we are delighted and grateful that you chose us.